SPEL Floating Wetlands

World’s Largest Residential Floating Wetlands at Parklakes II QLD


As mentioned in previous post, the new floating treatment wetlands at Parklakes II on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast have completed installation.

The 230 “living” pontoons, which will form 2 islands, will treat stormwater from 436 residential lots, a school, a retirement village and 5 hectare of lake system.

The roots of the reeds, planted on each pontoon, will draw sediment and nutrients from the water. SPEL floating wetlands has consistently achieved all the necessary bacteria counts and oxygen levels in independent scientific trials and over numerous installation sites.

The Benefits

  1. Retrofit to existing assets
    The SPEL Floating Wetlands system can be retrofitted straight onto existing lakes, ponds or streams.
  2. Zero developable land used
    In areas where irrigation schemes are used to dispose of treated water, the efficiency of our system in reducing nutrients in treated water means that less land is required for the disposal fields.
  3. Self-cleaning
    The system works on the underlying principles of the ecosystem, which means it’s naturally self-cleaning — resulting in almost no maintenance fees over its lifespan.

Storm Performance

When extreme weather hits Brisbane in early June 2016, the floating treatment wetlands performed really well and more than hold its own.

In collaboration with University of the Sunshine Coast and Sunshine Coast Council, SPEL is proud to be part of the world’s largest residential floating wetlands.

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