ms walk team

SPEL helps team raise $32,000 in MS Fun Run!


The 2013 MS Walk + Fun Run was recently held to raise money for treating and finding a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. We were proud to donate to this worthy cause and helped that team raised $32,000. This made their fundraising efforts the third-highest of all teams across Australia and contributed to a total $1.38 million raised.

There are around 23,000 Australians living with MS, and a further 1,000 people are diagnosed with the disease every year. Although a cure for MS has not yet been found, doctors and scientists are making new discoveries about its treatment and management every day. MS Australia provides essential services, support and treatment to people living with the condition.

To find out more and donate to MS Australia, click here.

Or if you think you would like to participate in next year’s Walk + Fun Run, read more about it here.

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